Azure vs Google Cloud vs AWS

Been using AWS (EC2, Glacier, SES, S3, Light sail etc.) quite a bit
and more on Azure now (App service, SQL server, Azure function, Key vault, Storage account, Azure DevOps etc)

Personally feel Azure is more user friendly and easy to deploy
Especially since Microsoft makes Visual Studio (Community Edition) and Visual Studio Code free to the community
The integration of Azure cloud deployment is just so handy to manage
I would go for AWS for personal project or with smaller budget
But for enterprise project, Azure seems much easier to work on and manage (tho Azure is more expensive than AWS in many use case)

For GCP, not really touching much other than Firebase (Realtime DB, Push notification server, and those legacy Google Map APIs)
One big advantage on Google Cloud is their free tier usually are very generous that it fits most small to medium projects
and even they are charging base on usage the amount is much smaller than AWS and Azure